PVRC 5M Contest Calendar

PVRC Contest Season is from July 1 - June 30

PVRC 5M Contest Calendar

Additional PVRC Events can be found on the PVRC home page calendar.

Contest Name Circle Start Date1 End Date1 Logs Due2 5M Results
NA QSO Party - July RTTY  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-07-15 2023-07-16  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
CQWW VHF Contest  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-07-15 2023-07-16  10 Final Scores  
NA QSO Party - August CW  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-08-05 2023-08-06  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
WAE CW  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-08-12 2023-08-13  7 Final Scores  
NA QSO Party - August SSB  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-08-19 2023-08-20  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
WW Digi  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-08-26 2023-08-27  5 Final Scores  
WAE SSB  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-09-09 2023-09-10  7 Final Scores  
ARRL September VHF  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-09-09 2023-09-11  10 Final Scores  
CQWW RTTY  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-09-23 2023-09-24  5 Final Scores  
Worked All Germany  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-10-21 2023-10-22  7 Final Scores  
CQWW SSB  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-10-28 2023-10-29  5 Final Scores  
ARRL SS CW  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-11-04 2023-11-06  7 Final Scores  
WAE RTTY  PVRC Members Worldwide 2023-11-11 2023-11-12  7 Final Scores  
ARRL SS SSB  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-11-18 2023-11-20  7 Final Scores  
CQWW CW  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-11-25 2023-11-26  5 Final Scores  
ARRL 160M  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-12-01 2023-12-03  7 Final Scores  
ARRL 10M  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2023-12-09 2023-12-10  7 Final Scores  
ARRL RTTY Round Up  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-01-06 2024-01-07  7 Pending Scores  
NA QSO Party - January CW  PVRC Members Worldwide 2024-01-13 2024-01-14  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
NA QSO Party - January SSB  PVRC Members Worldwide 2024-01-20 2024-01-21  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
ARRL January VHF  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-01-20 2024-01-22  10 Pending Scores  
CQ160 CW  PVRC Members Worldwide 2024-01-26 2024-01-28  5 Pending Scores  
CQ WPX RTTY  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-02-10 2024-02-11  5 Pending Scores  
ARRL DX CW  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-02-17 2024-02-18  7 Pending Scores  
CQ160 SSB  PVRC Members Worldwide 2024-02-23 2024-02-25  5 Pending Scores  
NA QSO Party - February RTTY  PVRC Members Worldwide 2024-02-24 2024-02-25  Online Scoreboard Pending Scores  
ARRL DX SSB  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-03-02 2024-03-03  7 Pending Scores  
CQ WPX SSB  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-03-30 2024-03-31  5 Pending Scores  
CQMM DX  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-04-20 2024-04-21  14 Pending Scores  
CQ WPX CW  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-05-25 2024-05-26  5 Pending Scores  
ARRL Digital  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-06-01 2024-06-02  7 Pending Scores  
ARRL June VHF  ARRL/CQ 250-Mile Circle 2024-06-08 2024-06-10  10 Pending Scores  

Note 1: The contest start and end dates shown above may not be correct. Always check the official rules from the contest sponsor to find the actual dates. The sponsor's page can be found by clicking on the name of the contest.

Note 2: The Russian DX contest has a 3 day due date if you want to be eligible for a top 3 spot in the world rankings.

Use the Questions? link at the top of the page or click here to send corrections.

Previous Season's (2021-2022) Contests

PDF version of the Current Season's Contests

CSV version of the Current Season's Contests