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Weekly Wed BWI Regional weekly breakfast. Wednesdays 7:30 am, Basil's Deli, Elkridge Landing Rd near BWI.
Monthly Over-the-Hill Luncheon. TBA.
Mar 2-4 ARRL 'phone DX Contest. 7pm ET Friday to 7pm ET Sunday
Mar 1 Thu PVRC/NC meeting at Ryan's in Cary.
Mar 12 Mon Central meeting at the Maryland location.
Mar 20 Tue Northwest region meeting in Frederick, MD.
Mar 20 Tue Tidewater Colony meeting night.
Mar 23-25 CQ WPX SSB Contest.
Apr 5 Thu PVRC/NC meeting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TREASURERS REPORT by Dave Baugher, WR3L, Treas.
(This report was received in time for the February issue but) (Murphy struck and I was not able to process it. -editor
First, I would like to thank the following for the contribution to PVRC in January: K3VW, W3HVQ, K4JA, W8BOZ, WA8WV, K3ZO, KE3Q, K4UX, W4PRO, ND3A, K9GY, K4ZA, W3DAD, K2PLF, and W7YS.
At the end of this report you will find a treasury report for 2000. We were very successful with the donations, the newsletter advertisements, and the miscellaneous income to keep our treasury where we could afford to spend what we did last year.
Next on the list is the new badge orders (thanks to the N.C. group for the new look). We now have the blanks made and waiting for calls to be placed on them. They will be $13.50 sent to you if order through the club by sending me a note via email, packet, phone call or however. Do NOT send me any money at that time, I will send the bill with the badge when we get the complete order. The club will make about $1.00 on each badge. I'll order when I get at least 6 requests or at the end of each month. This is an easy way to get your new badge! Please support PVRC with this project. Also no longer ask N3OC for the badges. So far I have ordered 10 badges. Order now as it takes about 3 weeks for the delivery.
I enjoy the job of treasurer with our very supportive club and look forward to another successful year.
Balance as of 1/1/00 $2240.27
Income: Advertising 1050.76 ARRL renewals; QSLs 134.80 Badges 32.00 Donations 3613.82 ------- 4831.38
Expenses: Awards 1080.50 Donations 100.00 Insurance 325.00 Newsletter 3016.67 Trophies 150.00 Plaques 120.00 Reflector 35.00 Misc exp, postage 62.00 ------- 4889.17
Ending bal 12/31/00 $2182.48
I am delighted to announce that we will have a very special guest at the Carroll County Amateur Radio Club on Monday March 12, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the Westminster, MD Fire Training Center (1345 Washington Road).
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, affectionately known as "The Enforcer", will be speaking with us about his experiences these past few years working for the FCC, and helping to clean up some of Amateur Radio's rough edges (i.e. illegal operations).
Many of you have already seen Riley at previous engagements, including past PVRC and Dayton Hamvention meetings. Riley is a very passionate and dynamic speaker, and you can tell that he enjoys his work very much. If you have never met Riley, you're in for a real treat.
This meeting will be a joint meeting of both the Carroll County Amateur Radio Club, and the Potomac Valley Radio Club. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to attend.
Directions to the Westminster Fire Training Center (1345 Washington Road, Westminster, MD) are available at the following link:
Our local 2 meter repeater is K3PZN, at 145.410 (negative offset). If you have any questions, please contact me.
We're looking forward to seeing you at this meeting!
PVRC CENTRAL MEETING MINUTES, 2/12/01 by Brian McGinnes, N3OC, Pres.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM at the Vienna library by N3OC. Members attending were: N3RR, K4VV, N4RV, W3DQ, ND3A, N3HXQ, W4RW, W4RX, KE3Q, K3IRV, K4YT, K3ZO, AA4KD, N3OC, W3TOM, K3ZJ, and W3YOZ. There was one guest, Scott Belleffuille KT4EZ.
N3OC gave the president's report:
Recent information from the NCCC Web site indicates they have a higher claimed score for SS, so we probably will not win the club competition back. It looks like it will take more planning to get the gavel back. PVRC does look to be in a good position to win the 10 meter contest.
The trustees have been formulating some suggestions that will be forwarded to the ARRL CAC concerning how a club's area is defined. N3OC is still working on getting that written up and forwarded to the CAC. Once that is done, a committee will be appointed to study any possible move of the circle and make recommendations.
N3OC noted with regret the passing of Andy W3XE last month. Once again, many PVRCers (20) gathered for the funeral. N3OC expressed thanks to all the PVRCers that have been there for our fellow members and their families. A nice article written by Jim, W3CP was passed around for all to read.
Dick, K3DI, our newsletter editor is looking for some help in coordinating advertising in the newsletter. Currently, the newsletter represents PVRC's single largest expense, which is only partially offset by advertising. Dick would like someone to explore ways to make the newsletter pay for itself.
Jack, K4VV gave the Vice-President's report. He has made arrangements with Jay Terleski, WX0B, proprietor of Array Solutions t visit us in April. Jay will be making two presentations on stacking HF yagis, and will visit some member's stations. The tentative schedule is for Jay to be here the Friday before the regular April meeting, first giving a presentation in the Northern Virginia area that Friday evening, and another presentation at Capitol College in Beltsville MD the night of the regular April meeting.
Therefore, everyone please note there will be no regular Virginia meeting in April - the meeting will be the Friday before in Virginia, and Monday in Maryland.
There was one new member to be voted in. Scott Belleffuille, KT4EZ was present and had attended two meetings. After a brief introduction, Scott was voted into membership. Welcome to PVRC!
The remaining time was devoted to war stories, since there was no formal presentation. N3RR gave some details on his experiments with short beverages at his QTH. The message was that a short beverage is better than no beverage, and Bill has been getting performance far superior to his EWEs using short beverages. Jack, K4VV has been getting things sorted out after the passing of his wife, and no doubt will be on the air more in the future. Jack, N4RV is looking for a run operator for the next few contests, as part of 2a small multiop from his QTH. Jack enjoys searching and finding that new multiplier, so he would like to find some run ops.
The meeting was evicted at 8:59 PM by the library staff.
SWVA PVRC Jan 2001 Minutes by R. Michael Barts, N4GU
The Southwest Virginia chapter of PVRC met Jannuary 19th at the Olive Garden restaurant in Roanoke, VA for a combination belated holiday get together and first annual chapter awards dinner. This was one of the best attended chapter meetings to date with a total attendance of 25, which strained our accommodations at the restaurant! In attendance were W4YE and XYL, W0MAN & W4JAM, W4BKW and XYL, WM3T and KF4OKG, KC9LC, XYL, children and guest, K1SO, K1GG, N4EL, K4BSA, KF4NVC, K4IQ with XYL and children, K4EP, 5B4AFM/N1KH, and N4GU.
After a wonderful meal, there was not a formal meeting but a short awards presentation. K4IQ and W4YE were recognized for receiving their 5 Million Point awards from PVRC and the plaques were passed around to inspire the rest of us. The following awards were presented to recognize the fine efforts of our local chapter members.
Little Pistol Award - N4EL, to recognize the improvements Nat has made to his station (and scores!) this last year. Highest Club 5M Total - K4IQ, for cranking out all those contest Qs. (maybe this should be the Lead Butt award?)
Elmer Award - N4GU, for promoting amateur radio in the New River Valley area W4KFC Congeniality Award - K1SO, to recognize Jerry's contribution to the team spirit of the chapter
Golden Mike Award - W4BKW, for his consistently great audio (which we usually hear every weekend on the local NPR station!)
DDDX (The Driving DX award) - W4JAM/W0MAN who drive the farthest and rarely miss a meeting
Y2K Award (aka the Murphy Award) - K1GG, Gordon's bad luck with antennas and bee stings in 2000 was truly millennial!
Best DXpedition - WM3T/KF4OKG, for their PA QSO party expedition almost put them in contention for the Y2K award
SWVPVRC Op of the Year - W4YE, Buddy's consistent performance in contests along with his invaluable experience make him a asset to the club and chapter.
At the end of the presentations the official meeting was concluded and the informal discussions from dinner continued.
The next SWVA PVRC meeting is scheduled for March 9, location to be announced via email.
MINUTES PVRC NW MEETING 20 Feb by Ed Steeble, K3IXD, Chairman
The NW region met at Tully's Grill vin Frederick on 20 February 2001. Traffic was light and most everyone had arrived by 6:15. The meeting began at 7:30.
In attendance were: K3LP, K3SX, W3KHZ, K3SKE, W3NRS, K8OQL, N4MM, W3SY, K2PLF, N8II, K3IXD, K2UOP, W8ZA, N3YDT, W3EKT, N3HBX, W3ZZ, N3VOP, and K3DNE.
Before we went around the table, I conducted some business. W3ARS was voted into PVRC.
I reminded everyone that the ARRL Buro rates will be $4 per 1/2 pound beginning on 1 March. The old rates were $6/pound.
I have compiled an email list of those claiming NW as their home region or wish to receive NW related emails. The list contains 46 PVRCers.
K3DNE suggested, to me, several months ago, that PVRC sponsor a single operator, low power plaque in the June VHF contest. The Club Officers have approved the suggestion.
N3OC told me that the new badges should be able to be ordered very soon. Orders will be direct to a commercial vendor.
I asked N4MM and W3ZZ if they had any news from ARRL and CQ.
N4MM gave an update on ARRL happenings. The email alias problem seems to have been solved. ARRL is working to filter spam emails. John provided insights on how much email he, K1ZZ, and N1ND get each day -- 300+. The ARRL SS participation pins are being packaged for mailing. And, we discussed contest club rules and some proposals.
W3ZZ gave a report from CQ. He ran the CQ VHF WW contest this year and the activity level was equal to previous highs.
Then we went around the table: As usual I did not record the scores because W2GG continues to do a excellent job collecting and posting them to the PVRC reflector and on the PacketCluster. K3DI insures that the scores are included in the newsletter.
David, K3LP - was at W3LPL's. Sid, K3SX - has 208 countries on 160m, still trying to work D68C. Art, W3KHZ - is recovering from his operation. Dan, K3SKE - a packet node was down for part of the contest. Bob, W8ZA - hosted a multi-2 effort which included Jerry, K8OQL and Jeff, N8II. Bob, W8ZA talked to Tony, A54ZN, who says, "Hi" to the group -- he misses the NW meetings.
Tom, K2UOP - has two "rocket launchers" being shipped to him. Steve, W3SY - announced he was looking for military mast and K3SKE said he had several. They left to go look at them. (On the 147.000- repeater, after the meeting, we learned Steve now has three masts to support his wires.)
Marty, K2PLF - from an estate, the following are available: a 52 foot, crank up tower, Explorer 14 beam, and a Ham 4 rotor. They are still up. A TS 440, and 2, 2m FM rigs. All this is about 15 years old. If interested or for more information, contact Marty.
Jim, N3YDT - past issues of AMSAT Newsletters are on CDs and will be available at Dayton -- pricing wasn't known. Ed, W3EKT - continues to be impressed with his 160m lazy U; all his contest QSOs were S&P.
John, N3HBX - has retired. He has RFI from dimmer switches. W8ZA suggested trying Leviton slide switches. K8OQL said W8ZA's house is very quiet. Bob has these every where, even in the ham shack.
Mike, N3VOP - manages to operate VHF from a town house. Ed, K3DNE - his harmonics are limiting his operating time to contests. Ed, K3IXD - received his SS clean sweep mug, received his 1st place single op, low power certificate for the January 2000 VHF contest. N4MM said ARRL is getting caught up with past due certificates. The next NW meeting will be March 20th at Tully's. The usual place and date, the third Tuesday of the month. The first attendees arrive about 6pm for dinner. The meeting starts at 7:30.
PVRC-NC MEETING 01 FEB 2001 by Guy Olinger, K2AV
The regular PVRC-NC meeting was held at Ryan's Family Steakhouse, Cary NC, 5:30-7:30pm. In from the cold: NT4D, N4XD, K4HA, N4CW, W4IDX, N2NFG, WJ9B, N4YDU, AA4NC, K2AV, K4QPL, WW4M, and K4MA.
Riotous proceedings called to order at 6 pm. First meeting and welcome: Dave W4IDX and Bill K4CIA. Second meeting and voted into membership: N4XD, N4YDU. Welcome Ron and Nate. Just in time for ARRL. Fresh meat.
On the question of picking the night for the Annual May Bash, Thursday's still the favorite, consensus to at least stay away from the weekends.
KS4XG about the country traveling for employer, Carnac standing in...but with a notebook this time. The tower tear-down party is still on for Saturday March 10th and he'll be syncing with folks that expressed in interest in helping very soon. To avoid long term angst he'll be using the old station one last time, doing a 15 meter effort on the DX contest.
After a second-hand telling of his experience taking down a rickety tower on his new property, we want you to know, Pete, that we will get up a crew of twenty all equipped with hacksaws, sledgehammers, and boltcutters the next time you want to do that. We'll get it down for you...
N4CW tried to work the PSK31 contest, but couldn't find the party (his words). Now has a 160 inverted V with apex at 90', did well with it in 160 test. Was complaining that due to travel and having to be in New England, having a hard time finding place to operate in ARRL. Finally decided to do a seat at KC1XX. Real hardship case, there, Bert. Bring back a rotating tower with you. By the way, NOT A CHANCE that we didn't see you get three desserts. Also reported a case of the dreaded, mysterious switch box noise. Source was a torqued off screw mysteriously actually working several years. Probably due to letting the neighbor's 400 lb. gorilla tighten all the screws and bolts.
W4IDX is really KA4IKH in disguise. Making some noise now with a G5RV.
N2NFG still has water-filled holes where tower and guys are supposed to go. Got his 751 back from factory all spiffied up, and then broke it in the RTTY. Smoke 'em Alsop taught you how to do that, right? Speaking of whom, now in serious contention for the second annual Golden Bagel award, after having stress tested his new amp in the RTTY without so much as a puff of smoke (previously reported), reinstated the curse by blowing it up with a "dit". I know, a minor fix, yeah, yeah, yeah...That "KO" in K3KO stands for what he does to amps.
NX9T sent regrets. Reportedly will have antennas on top of that new Trylon real soon now.
K4HA was at W2XL for 160. In totally other direction, has a trip planned to see our own K4PB down in the land of lightning. Don't bother to bring any back, Bob. Also had a lot good to say about K9AY loops. Recommended that those of us with geographically challenged lots give them a try. Not quite a beverage, but a lot better than NO beverage.
N4XD reports 5 new countries on 160 for him. His NE/SW beverage working well.
NT4D, K2AV, and K3KO all report getting their 5 Meg Plaques in the mail from the big Central chapter shindig last month.
N4YDU reports lazy H's, 10 meter V beam. All wires and ropes. Calls it a bird trap. Price is right, though.
WJ9B has a new SkyHawk up. Passed around the latest PVRC gavel for NAQP.
WW4M interrupted the NAQP for a wedding shower. Holy smoke, Jim, you're supposed to save that kind of stuff for the Sprints....
K4QPL, who started a run-on thread on PVRCNC reflector over virtues (or not) of WriteLog, managed to do it again at meeting. I think he just muttered the word under his breath, was all it took.... Also brought up a good Feb QST article on RX tuning. Pretty good, no kidding.
K4MA and AA4NC ready for the ARRL SSB at 8P9JA. You need to teach Bert and Bob how to do that instead of running up points for YCCC. Explain SOUTH to them.
K2AV reported he needs to get a mast (hmmm... that has to be progress). Also relayed for N4AF that they are doing NY4A multi-two in ARRL CW. ARRL multi-two is very tough category, but still looking for a strong showing. Apparently this a repeat of the old futz club staffing plan last used in their surprise WPX m/m USA almost (maybe) win. On the '00 WPX CW m/m NY4A and NR4M scores close enough that % of scoring penalties could throw it either way, and haven't heard a peep from the contest committee.
Riotous proceedings reinstated at 7:15.
Next meeting Thursday 1 Mar '01 Ryan's Family Steakhouse in Crossroads Plaza, Cary. Informals 5:30 pm, Formals 6 pm. On the agenda: Get serious time for RARSfest table and meeting, probables and polls for the Annual May Bash.
CVCC MEETING 02/13/2001 by Tom Ogburn, N4ZJ
Meeting called to order by WA4QDM. There were 11 CVCC members in attendance.
W4MYA presented one of his winning gavels to the club to be used for meetings. Introductions were made by all those present. W4MYA is preparing for ARRL CW and SSB DX. Lots of work has been done at his place. Members reported working lots of DX during the past month, including the YK9A crew with W4DR and N4CFL
Treasurers Report: Dues for 2001 continue to come in and there have been no major outlays this month.
The secretary reported that, overall, electronic distribution of the newsletter in .PDF format was a success and that it will continue. Bill, W4DAA was recognized as having donated a copy of Microsoft Office to the secretary for improving club records and updating the processing of the newsletter. Thanks Bill!!
Packet was down last weekend, and WU4G and others are working on improving the paths. We are looking at getting a route through Donnie Hensley. Paul, K4JA also offered numerous options for improving our connections. Currently we get spots both from the north by rf and from the mega-cluster over the internet. We also discussed going to the AR Cluster software.
AR Cluster software costs 400 and there is a considerable hardware need. Paul suggested that the sys-ops come to his place to check out AR.
Candidates for office:
President: WA4QDM asked for "volunteers" for president, and the silence was deafening.
Special events station: WU4G gave us an update on the special event station W4L at the walk for life fund raiser for cancer. The Ashland group raised $79,000 last year. A 10 dollar fee is required from participants to help defray local costs so more money can go towards research. We are planning to participate with a station and operators. More details will be forthcoming.
W4JM was presented the club plaque for the Virginia QSO Party last year. Tom was the highest scoring single-op in CVCC.
A plaque was also presented to W4DAA as a small token of his vast support of CVCC during the past year.
N4UYQ, TJ Johnston was unanimously voted into the club.
The Virginia QSO Party is next month. CVCC is again sponsoring the High Club Score plaque and N4ZJ is sponsoring the Virginia High Mobile plaque.
It was reported that W4SPT is recovering from surgery, is home, and is doing fine.
After the business was conducted, we viewed a video of a Force 12 antenna presentation at PVRC
Our next meeting will be back at First Mennonite Church.
OVER-THE-HILL MEETING, Feb 21 2001 by Ben Shaver, AA4XU
The PVRC Over-The-Hill Lunch group met at MainStreetUSA in Annandale, VA on February 21, 2001 for lunch and to share ideas and contest scores. The following were present: W3ZZ Gene Zimmerman, W4RW Floyd Martin, W3AZ Bill Leavitt, W6AXX Howard Leake, K6ETM George Sinclair, K3WX Tony Faiola, W3GN Lawrence Fadner, W4RX Jim Ahlgren, and AA4XU Ben Shaver.
The March meeting of the Over-The-Hill lunch is in limbo as a search is being made for a Maryland host. Interested? Please contact W3AZ or AA4XU for more information.
CARL ELWIN ANDERSEN SR, W3XE, SK. Written by W3GN with contributions from W3CP
Carl Elwin Andersen Sr, W3XE, better known as "Andy", Silver Spring, MD, became a Silent Key on 18 Jan 2001 at the Montgomery County General Hospital, Olney, MD where he was a patient for a broken left leg sustained in a fall on 3 January. Andy was first licensed as KN6BCG in 1953. Subsequently, he held the calls K6BCG, K3JYZ, briefly as W5TWT, and finally as W3XE. He had held several ARRL appointments, among them being SEC and RM.
He had retired from the Dept of the Navy in 1971. Andy had been active initially with traffic handling and then contesting. With the call K3JYZ he had organized a multi-multi contest station that was active for several years. In 1960 he joined the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC). During the mid 1960s he served as its President. For a time he served as a Trustee in the Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR), representing the PVRC.
In later years, he was very actively involved with county hunting on CW, both mobile and from his home station. He had worked all counties by 28 September 1984, his last county to qualify for the award being Scioto co, OH, was, coincidentally, with another PVRC member, W3GN/M. He received USA-CA award #507 on 03/20/86. Andy appeared regularly for years at the Dayton Hamvention flea market along with W3NRS, and was often a speaker at the County Hunter sessions. Andy enjoyed his many trips from MD to LA, TX, and CA, always operating CW on the County Hunter Net frequencies, handing out new counties to many while traveling on either Interstate Highways or back country roads, casually driving along at posted speed limits while operating. Those who were lucky enough may have worked him when he was operating mobile on a trip to Alaska. He frequently attended County Hunter Conventions that were held at various locations. W3XE served at president of the Ashton Radio Communications Society repeater, K3WX, and also served as one of three hosts for monthly luncheons of the Over-The-Hill division of the PVRC.
Funeral services were held on 25 January 2001 at the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Silver Spring, MD. Prior to the services a luncheon in his memory was held at a local restaurant. Among the ham operators attending one or both of these events were: K1DQV, K3UT, K3WX, K3ZO, K6IR, KE3Q, N3AA, N3RR, N3YDT, ND3F, W2BZR, W3AZ, W3BFE, W3GN, W3LPL, W3NRS, W3RFR, W3UJ, and W3ZZ. SK
Photographs of Andy, W3XE SK in the paper edition were provided by K1DQV and K3WX.
SHORT NOTES by the editor
Bob Eshleman, W4DR, of Midlothian, VA, is the winner of the Clinton B. DeSoto Cup for 2000. This ARRL award being presented for the first time--recognizes the station that's on top of the DXCC Challenge List as of September 30 each year. The Cup will be presented in May at Dayton's "DX Dinner" sponsored by the Southwest Ohio DX Association. Eshleman is practically a lifelong DXer and DXpeditioner. Licensed while in HS he is now retired. He and his wife Rosalie, N4CFL, are headed for a month's trip to Syria and Egypt, during which they will be operators as YK9A.
Lamar Ray, ex-W9LT is now WA7LT. He' on in EWA with wires but is collecting tower material for building this summer. Meanwhile, Lamar does MS at NK7U.
Bill Klocko, N3WK, was surprised to receive a certificate for being the most improved rookie in the CQ 1999 WPX CW contest. That category wasn't announced in the CQ magazine published scores.
Leo W3LEO will operate as MM0LEO 20 Feb - 14 Mar from Portpatrick in southwest Scotland. However, Leo states that this is once again a vacation not a DXpedition so his operation will vary. His callsign is MM0LEO and he plans to be in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest. He will use an Icom 706 (100 watts]), an R-5 vertical [10, 12, 15, 17, 20 meters], and a 40-meter dipole [in inverted-V configuration]. He will try and get on PSK-31. QSL via his CBA (with SASE) or via bureau to W3LEO. MM0LEO's Probable Operating non-Contest Frequencies in Scotland may be 28450, 24955, 21280, 18145, 14250 kHz +/-.
Dick, K3DI has made arrangements to borrow the use of JA1NUT's fine station for operation in the WPX SSB contest on March 24/25. The hours of availability of Shin's station are not yet certain; we have only spoke of a few hours starting about 0500Z Saturday. My prefix will be 7J1; I've asked for 7J1AOE that I held in 1993.
Jay is an accomplished contester and a practicing Electrical Engineer who has developed a deep understanding of the theory and application of stacking or phasing beam patterns of various antennas. He served as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for one Corporation, and now leads his own Company, Array Solutions, to pursue his passion for engineering and implementing multiple antennas. Jay has accepted our invitation to come here during 6 to 10 April to speak twice and to visit some of our stations.
Jay will present A Short Study of Stacking Yagi-Uda Antennas, addressing systems for 40 through 10 meters. He will present examples of realistic packages that many of us may find useful, such as results for stacks of C3 tribanders. He will construct computer modeling displays on the fly to address our interests. Jay will brief his comparison of stacks of "Shorty 40" beams vs. full sized antennas. Jay does not push product in these sessions, but speaks to the practical science of arrays. Jay can backup his modeling with experiences of many specific designs that were implemented and tested in the competitive world. Jay has evolved and improved his presentation over two years while addressing prominent Ham Radio audiences in the US and Europe.
Two briefings are planned. First, in Northern Virginia on Friday night, April 6, Jay will speak at 7:30 PM at the SAIC Tower Complex (where I work) in a conference room that seats 45+, located very close to the intersection of Rt. 7 and Rt. 123 in Tysons Corner, VA. Directions will follow. A dinner beforehand with Jay is planned at 5 to 7 PM at the Olive Garden, nearby on Rt. 7.
Next, Jay will speak at Capitol College (in the same superb auditorium where ON4UN spoke last May) at 7:30 PM on Monday, April 9, preceded by a 5:00 PM dinner with Jay a restaurant nearby, to be selected. Capitol College is 10 minutes outside the Rt. 95/495 Beltway on the Washington Baltimore Parkway. Bill, N3RR has arranged for the use of the Auditorium and is planning the dinner.
Jay will use the same briefing materials for both events. He welcomes questions in advance, so that he may be sure to address most of our interests in the sessions. Please send me your questions or specific suggestions for him, and I will combine and forward them with or without attribution, as you wish.
Our focus in working with Jay for these presentations is to help us stimulate our creative thinking of alternatives and possibilities to enhance the competitiveness of our stations. Many of our members continue to strive for performance for contesting and for dxing. Jay will be the third in a series of very knowledgeable speakers, following Tom Schiller, N6BT and John Devoldere, ON4UN.
Mark your calendars for your choice of these events. Again, we invite the NCDXA organization to join us as a cosponsor of the presentations. We also want to invite our friends who may be interested in PVRC and the value we add for our members. We also encourage our members to contact and invite their local clubs to participate in the briefings. Due to potential space limitations for the dinners, let's limit attendance to PVRC members and invited guests. PVRC members are welcome to make such invitations.
To indicate attendance, please send a note to me at, or leave a voicemail on 703-281-1308. We need the real headcount for the dinners, a by name list for the April 6 presentation, and a rough count for the April 9 presentation.
Brian, N3OC and I teamed up to arrange the WX0B visit and presentations.
S C O R E S by Bob Dannals, W2GG
*Changes/additions/deletions to W2GG * * via email only. *
### = missing information
SINGLE OPERATOR K1RZ H # 631 124 130,696 K3DNE H 6 543 132 113,520 W3EKT H 3 365 85 42,075 W3ZZ H # 213 73 22,922 K3IXD L 5 263 48 17,088 W4RX L 6 140 45 9,135 KF4QQY H 3 139 41 5,822 N3UM L 2 143 24 3,432 N3VOP L 3 141 18 3,006 N3II L 2 118 20 2,360 N4MM L 2 82 18 1,476 N8II # 1 71 17 1,207 N3AM L 2 71 13 936 N3UN L # 38 ## 210 W2GG L 3 15 7 112 WM3T L 2 11 8 88 N3FNE L 1 19 4 75 N4CW L 9 9 3 27
ROVER ND3F # H 585 121 167,000 W3IY 7 L 127 48 9,600 MULTI-OP K8GP H 12 1297 233 501,649 W3SO H 3 214 55 11,880
22 LOGS TOTAL 1,044,316
Operators: K8GP K1RA K3MM W4XP K8ISK plus 4-nonPVRC W3SO W3TEF K4VV W3YOZ
CQ 160M CW RESULTS (#4 - Feb.05.2001)
SINGLE OP HIGH POWER W4ZV 1171 58 52 456,940 W4MYA 1138 58 51 397,632 N4CW 842 56 30 183,782 K4ZW 710 50 34 174,468 N3OC 568 53 34 143,898 K3SV 604 ## ## 126,984 W4NF 423 47 26 82,198 W3EKT 307 47 23 60,340 W4YE 325 50 16 55,704 N4MM 306 46 20 54,978 K2UOP 280 43 23 50,952 K4VV 340 42 14 47,096 N3AM 276 43 8 32,538 K8OQL 204 42 6 22,752 WM3T 192 41 4 19,035 W2YE 159 36 4 14,360 W4HJ 142 35 5 13,280 N4TL 61 25 1 3,406
SINGLE OP LOW POWER K1HTV 704 54 24 135,876 K7SV 507 49 24 92,415 WJ9B 567 52 14 85,932 W2GG 331 39 13 41,548 K4QPL 195 38 4 17,934 W4VC 184 (41) 16,564 W3CP 158 (40) 15,040 K2YWE 137 35 3 11,742 WX3B 107 (32) 7,712 N3UN 101 33 0 7,458
SINGLE OP QRP WK3I 545 (62) 75,454
MULTI OPERATOR NY4A 1036 55 50 356,790 W3UR 598 53 38 177,000 K4MA 496 51 34 119,000 W2XL 746 57 31 87,224 K3KO 450 51 20 81,863 W3HVQ 167 37 22 30,267 WA4QDM 250 42 5 26,367 K3DI 185 49 5 24,246
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 LOGS CW TOTAL 3,350,775 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Multiop operators: Single op plus packet unless indicated below. NY4A N4AF W2CS W2XL K4HA (plus 1 nonPVRC)
ARRL DX CW #3 (02.22.2001)
SINGLE OP HIGH POWER N4ZR 2899 357 3,104,829 W3IO 1267 328 1,244,760 W4YE 965 294 851,130 W3AZ 908 270 735,480 K2UOP 779 299 698,763 W4BQF 1027 205 629,760 W4ZV 10 1752 113 593,928 W3GN 651 224 437,472 W4IF 358 161 172,914 W4VC 341 144 147,312 K6ETM 297 162 144,342 K3SV 80 328 67 65,727 W4ZYT 50 36 5,400
SINGLE OP LOW POWER N4YDU 1589 355 1,692,285 N1WR 1570 324 1,525,068 WJ9B 1561 302 1,404,300 N4MM 732 305 669,780 W3CP 674 250 505,500 W3DAD 629 207 390,609 K1KO 449 169 225,615 AA4KD 386 193 223,494 K4QPL 185 102 56,610 W4HM 80 178 56 29,904
SINGLE OP QRP WD3P 188 113 63,732
SINGLE OP ASSISTED N3RR 2749 493 4,065,771 W4NF 2292 443 3,046,068 K3KO 1544 411 1,903,752 N4ZJ 1645 381 1,880,235 W3EKT 1081 419 1,355,046 W3IO 1267 328 1,244,760 W3HVQ 1028 371 1,144,164 N3AM 963 374 1,080,486 W3UJ 951 335 955,755 W3UL 638 260 497,640
MULTI - SINGLE W4MR 3376 471 4,708,116
MULTI - TWO K4JA 6351 580 11,049,000 NY4A 5700 553 9,116,205 NR4M 4061 501 6,091,659 N4RV 1814 405 2,202,797 K3DI 1673 387 1,937,709
MULTI - MULTI W3LPL 8693 672 17,504,928 W4MYA 6749 603 12,189,042
DXPEDITIONS HR6/N4MO 1600 60 288,000 (10 m only) R3/K3NA 378 100 113,400
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 LOGS CW TOTAL 97,993,247 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
------------------------------- The REFERENCE PAGE was unchanged since last month so was not included in this issue. -editor
The RFC ad was deleted prior to transmission of this electronic edition to N4ZR in April 2001......K3DI