PLEASE JOIN US on the air for the 2017 PVRC Reunion

The PVRC 2017 Reunion will be in two sessions with activity centered "on the 47's" to celebrate the founding of PVRC in 1947.

PVRC's motto of "Once a member, always a member" shines through and this is an excellent opportunity to meet and greet on the air with members who are now living out of circle.

Dates, Times, and frequencies


1 point for each QSO with PVRC member, work each member once per band-mode combination. Moves between bands, especially at slow times, are highly suggested!


Spotting of PVRC members is highly encouraged. In fact, self-spotting in this event is encouraged as well! It's amazing the level of non-member activity you can stir up, especially on phone, with a few self spots. The on-the-air activity with nonmembers is an excellent opportunity to explain a little about PVRC as a contesting club to non-members, and point them to the PVRC website if they want more information about contesting or our club.

When spotting PVRC'ers for this reunion, please give a comment to the effect of PVRC Reunion.

Participation Eligibility

Both PVRC Members and Non-Members are welcome to participate.

Non-members can work PVRC members for points and earn award certificates in their own non-member category.


Call "CQ PVRC" on CW, and "CQ PVRC Reunion" on SSB.


A PVRC member's exchange is the year you joined PVRC, your name, your state/country, and your callsign when you joined PVRC.

Example QSO between two PVRC members:


K4ZW:     K4ZW

WX3B:     K4ZW 1998 Jim MD WA2GPQ

K4ZW:     WX3B 86 Ken VA KE9A

WX3B:    TU WX3B
Note: A non-member only gives his name and state/country for the exchange.

Logger Support

You can use any general purpose logger for this contest. You will have to count up member and non-member QSO's when filling out the score summary form.

A UDC file is available to teach N1MM+ how to handle the PVRC Reunion. It will handle scoring for you automatically. Please download PVRC2017.UDC and save it in your Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests directory. Then quit and restart N1MM+ and you will find PVRC2017 available as a contest log type you can create.

A Youtube video is available to help you download, install, and use the PVRC2017 UDC module. Access it here:

Result Submission

Either send your Cabrillo log, or a log summary (see below), by E-mail to N3QE: [email protected]

Instead of submitting a full Cabrillo log, you also cand just send a log summary which is a count of:

Also feel free to post your log summary and soapbox comments to the PVRC mailing list!