Please support our sponsors; HRO and the RF Connection.
Weekly Wed BWI Regional weekly breakfast. Wednesdays 7:30 am, Basil's Deli, Elkridge Landing Rd near BWI.
Monthly Over-the-Hill Luncheon. TBA. See reference page.
Jan 4 Thu PVRC/NC meeting at Ryan's in Cary.
Jan 8 Mon Central meeting at the Maryland location. See reference page.
Jan 16 Tue Northwest region meeting in Frederick, MD.
Jan 16 Tue Tidewater Colony meeting night. See reference page.
Jan 20 - 21 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes
Jan 27 - 28 CQ 160m CW Contest 5 PM EST Fri to 11 AM EST Sun
We regret to report the passing of Steven C. Affens, K3SA, of Olney, MD. See Pres report below. Picture provided by W3GG; showing Steve as ZF2SA. (The picture appears only in the paper edition. Steve was shown in his operating position at ZF2SA.)
PVRC PRESIDENT'S REPORT for January, 2001 by Brian McGinness, N3OC, Pres.
As most of you know, last month we lost Steve Affens, K3SA. Steve was in the Cayman Islands for his 30th anniversary and of course the CQWW CW contest, where he operated as ZF2SA. Burt, W3GG reports Steve was snorkeling offshore Tuesday after the contest when he returned to the boat not feeling well, and suddenly collapsed.
Steve was an active PVRCer to the very end. He was also our club historian, and webmaster. My thanks to the 15 PVRCers who attended his funeral. He was laid to rest with his favorite key. And also my thanks goes to Burt Cohen W3GG who helped Steve's family and made sure that all his log have been submitted. I'm sure he would have wanted that.
2000 was another successful year for PVRC. We continue to grow, have a good time, and be successful in many contests. In fact, we are winning just about everything except the big DX contests. A lot of the credit for this has to go to our club officers and regional coordinators who are doing a great job. My special thanks to our VP Jack Hammett, K4VV, who has put together several fine meeting programs over the last year. Our Secretary, Bob Dannals W2GG handles all the paperwork and finds time to track the scores every contest. And Dave Baugher WR3L, our Treasurer, has been able to continue the treasury through donations only.
Others help too. As I mentioned above, K3SA was our historian and webmaster, and will have to be replaced. Our newsletter editor, Dick Wilder K3DI continues to do a fine job with the newsletter, which can be a thankless job. Thanks, Dick! And our thanks to Pete, N4ZR for tracking the 5 million award for us, which has become quite popular with 32 new plaques given out last month.
During the upcoming year, I plan to use our newly elected eight trustees to help the club officers formulate policy. We will be looking at changes to club scoring rules, and how it may or may not effect the club center. We will be working on presentations for the club meetings, hopefully starting with a presentation on stacked yagis from WX0B.
Thanks for helping to make 2000 a good year for PVRC, and I look forward to an even better one in 2001. GO PVRC!
TREASURERS REPORT by Dave Baugher, WR3L, Treasurer
Thanks to all for the donations throughout the year. A full financial report will be in the February Newsletter after I close the year. For December I would like to thank the following for the donation: W2GG, K1EFI, W3YOZ, N3OC, KO4MR, N3UN, W3PP, K1ZZI, W3ZN, W3AZ and W8ZA., Of the donations $100 was in memory of K3SA.
PVRC November minutes by Brian McGinnes, N3OC, Pres
The November PVRC meeting was held at 7:30 PM in Temple Hills MD, after dinner at Topoleno's, which has re-opened after the fire.
The following members were present: W3CP, K3IRV, WR3L, K3MM, W3LPL, W3AZ, W3HVQ, W3TOM, WK3I, K3KU, W3UL, KD4D, KE3Q and N3OC. Scott KT4ER is attending his first meeting and interested in joining PVRC.
N3OC gave the president's report. After the CW SS, we are running about even with last year's totals. There are probably some stragglers, so with a good effort in SSB we should be able to recapture the Sweepstakes club title.
The holiday dinner is confirmed at the Olive Garden Monday 12/11 starting at 6pm, with dinner at 7pm. Jack K4VV has made arrangements for us to use their large room. We will be awarding 32 new 5m plaques and 8 club competition gavels.
K4VV is out of town on business. WR3L gave a brief treasurer;s report.
Old business - the results of the annual elections were announced. The president is N3OC, VP K4VV, Secretary W2GG, Treasurer WR3L, and trustees K3MM, KE3Q, N3RR, N4ZR, W4MYA, N4AF, W4ZYT and K4IQ.
The evening's presentation was an update on CT ethernet networking by N3OC. Two computers running CT with network cards and an ethernet hub were set up, and how to configure the network cards to work under DOS, and which ones will work was discussed. There was also information on how to make a PCMCIA ethernet card for a laptop work under DOS.
After the presentation, the usual war stories were told.
12/7/00 PVRC/NC Meeting Minutes by Bob Lukaszewski, K4HA relayed by KS4SG.
The meeting was held at Ryans Family Restaurant in Cary from 5:30-7:30pm.
Attendees. Brian K3KO, Willy K3VW, Bob K4HA (notes), Jim K4QPL, Bob N2NFG, Ron Spencer N4XD, Jeff NX9T, Gary W2CS (presided in chairman K2AV's absence), Will WJ9B, and Jim WW4M
Regrets. K2AV, K4TMC, KI7WX, KS4XG, N4AF
Membership. This is the first meeting of N4XD Ron Spencer. Ron was a contester on the west coast for quite a while before moving to 4 land. Welcome Ron!
KI7WX has accepted a position with DNA Sciences in northern California, move date TBA. Needless to say we're going to miss the heck out of you Mark! Chapter membership remains at 37.
Chapter member news. N2NFG, Bob, worked the 160 contest, and noted conditions were poor, but still managed to have a good time. Was looking for a couple guys to form a team and have a nice rivalry between the HVCDX team and PVRCNC in the NAQP CW in January. (Since a lot of us know the 2 landers personally)
K3VW, Willy, still working on his tower, has 90 ft of Rohn 45 up with 30 more to go. Then he will pile on the monobanders from 10-40 and wires on 80/160 as soon as he is done. Cant wait to get back contesting..
K3KO, Brian, states that at 2AM Sunday morning the ACOM went west..!!!, The techs think it has a grid-Screen short. Acom has asked for the amp back and are working on it feverishly to get it fixed. They say they haven't seen this failure mode before. Brian still waiting patiently on the second 10M beam so he can get his stack going, but it hasn't shipped yet.
WJ9B, Will, worked the 160 CW contest, 546 Q's low power. Tried his hand at SO2R in SS but needs a bit more practice, and more concentration. He also sez he has outgrown the A3S.
K4QPL, Jim, worked CWSS full time and still managed to get behind a bunch of the guys here. Now has rotatable 40 M dipole (U SHAPED) that seems to be working OK.
N4XD, Ron, works 160-2 meters (minus repeaters). Working with K4HA on some K9AY loop array receive antennas for 160/80.
K4HA, Bob, worked SS with Will AA4NC, worked the 160 CW Friday night with Jim K4MA, but we didn't get to work at Wills Saturday night, So Will and Jim single op'ed it from their places. Helped Jeff NX9T put up his 72 ft free stander with Bert N4CW, and now waiting for him to get done with the driveway before we start cranking up the antenna party.
NX9T, Jeff, says now that the tower is up thanks to K4HA and N4CW, he can concentrate on getting the driveway poured before Suzie lets him (or Bert and Bob) put up any more antennas. Can't wait until it gets done.
WW4M, Jim, Worked the SS Phone from Brian K3KO's place and had a blast. Done with school now and looking for the perfect job. (Congrats Jim and good luck with the job hunt)
W2CS, Gary, operated KI7WX's place for the CW SS, and had a great time. Thanks Mark. Operated from N4AF in CQWWCW/SS Phone. Had a great time there as well: Thanks Howie.
KI7WX, Mark, reported via email that he netted just under 800 Qs plus a sweep in phone Sweepstakes before having to head out of town. He poked around during CQWW CW making a couple hundred Qs. Mark plans to make a serious effort in the 10 meter contest with K4MA (and maybe others, there was an invite sent to the chapter). Mark reports his station now has beams for 10-40 and wires for 80 meters with a 402CD at 115', 4/4 stack of M-Squared 20M4DX and a Hygain 105CA fixed on Europe added since the last meeting. He's wondering if other PVRCers are using the M-Squared 2800DCP rotor as he's having trouble keeping the position info. Mark is expecting to build a homebrew 5el for 15 meters to be fixed on Europe and something for 160. Mark will be commuting to the San Francisco area from this point but will try to be home for the big contests. Mark says guest ops are welcome for the contests he'll have to miss.
Next Meeting. The next meeting will be Thursday January 4th at Ryans in Cary. Come at 5:30 for rag chewing, meeting starts at 6pm.
A $1000 annual scholarship has been established on behalf of PVRC. To be eligible for the PVRC scholarship, applicants must be US residents holding any class of amateur radio license, and seeking a baccalaureate degree from a U. S. college or university. Preference will be given to active operators providing documented evidence of amateur radio contest activity (i.e. log pages, club news letters, magazine articles, awards, etc.).
The paper edition of this issue reproduced a news release from the FAR.
After 41 years of ham radio, Dave Klimaj, W4JVN has received the 5BDXCC and reached the Honor Roll.
Craig Lee, N3NT, reports that this year's QSL order should be available for the January meetings. Cards ordered by K3PD, N3HXQ, W4YE, K2PLF, W3DAD, AA4KD, K4JA, W3OU, N3HF, K2UOP, KV3R, N3TG, N4EL, N3SB, K3IRV, N1KC, N1KCE, K4YT, and WX3B totaled 25,000.
Art Brown, W3KHZ/VY2MM was released from the hospital recently and hopefully the intestinal blockage problem is under control. He is scheduled for additional surgery on January 12th. Marty, K2PLF, thanks those who sent cards and he asks that you remember Art and Mary in your thoughts and prayers.
I'm increasing my volunteer support of the ARRL propagation tests on the future 60 meter ham band. Stations with calls WA2XSY1 through WA2XSY15 are comparing propagation between 3.5, 5, and 7 MHz.
During the SS/CW conest, I jumped to 10m where I called CQ using full break-in. I soon found the signal louder than my CW sidetone was my own backscatter. Great. I rotated the antenna to peak my back scatter and picked up a couple NE US states.
I thank the club for the nice desk pen set with a glass globe and a plaque that reads "Dick Wilder, K3DI. A World of Appreciation for the PVRC Newsletter." Actually the award should go to the regional secretaries who send me their minutes, the club officers who send articles and the big job that W2GG does by supplying the updated dBase addresses each month and the latest score tabulations. I'm sorry I missed the first Christmas meeting in some 15 years and missed the presentation. But, at age 68, I was attending to my chest pain which turned out to be gastro esophageal reflux which is commonly called "heart burn." That has nothing to do with the heart.
S C O R E S by Bob Dannals, W2GG Changes/additions/deletions to W2GG via packet or [email protected] ### = missing information
ARRL CW SS (FINAL - 12.12.2000)
N4AF B 1303 80 207,840 W4MR B 1265 80 202,400 K3MM B 1230 79 194,340 N4ZR B 1143 80 182,880 W4MYA U 1119 80 179,040 K2PLF B 1050 79 165,900 K3SA B 1022 80 163,520 N4CW B 1010 80 161,600 WR3L M 1003 80 160,480 K4MA B 1023 77 157,234 W2CS A 968 80 154,720 K4IX/3 M 950 80 152,000 W3PP B 945 80 151,200 WJ9B A 891 78 138,996 N2NFG A 882 78 137,592 K3TM A 864 79 136,512 K4QPL A 842 79 132,878 W8ZA U 810 80 129,600 W4NF U 800 80 128,000 K4TS M 797 80 127,520 W3HVQ B 803 78 125,268 N3AM B 753 78 117,312 N4MO A 733 79 115,814 K4TX B 722 79 113,286 N3SB A 732 77 112,728 K3DI U 703 80 112,480 K3KO U 703 80 112,480 K7SV A 701 80 112,160 W4ZYT M 663 80 106,080 W4YE A 662 79 104,596 W3CB A 641 80 102,560 KM3V Q 630 80 100,800 W2GG A 625 80 100,000 NC3Y A 645 72 92,880 W4RX B 574 78 89,544 KT3Y B 585 76 88,920 ND3F Q 550 80 88,000 N3II A 555 78 86,580 N4GU Q 550 77 84,700 W4BQF B 602 71 85,484 K2AV B 531 79 83,582 K3SV U 505 80 80,800 W4PRO Q 504 77 77,616 WD3P Q 502 76 76,304 N3OC U 450 80 72,000 N4MM B 449 80 71,840 W3AZ B 454 78 70,824 N1WR A 436 79 68,888 K3RA A 451 76 68,552 WX3B U 462 74 68,376 K4ZW A 410 80 65,600 W3DAD A 350 76 53,200 KO4PY Q 353 73 50,954 N3UN A 324 75 48,600 W3CP A 337 72 48,528 N3KW U 295 80 47,200 W4HJ U 300 74 44,400 NT4D U 220 69 30,360 NY3M A 222 68 30,192 KS4XG B 231 65 30,030 W3GN B 190 69 26,220 K3DSP A 187 65 24,310 AA4KD A 167 65 21,710 K3YDX A 163 64 20,864 N3HUV U 118 50 11,800 NE3H U 105 53 11,130 N3WK Q 72 48 6,912 W4ATC A 13 10 260 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 68 LOGS TOTAL 6,526,976 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Last year 63 CW scores were reported totaling 5,613,916. We exceeded last year by 16%!
** SPECIAL OPERATIONS ** WP3R B 1573 80 251,680 by KE3Q
LAST YEAR - UNLIMITED CATEGORY logs Total CW & SSB Northern Ca C C 119 11,713,328 Potomac V R C 139 11,611,242 Yankee Clip C C 79 6,421,482
Note: Last year 69 PH scores reported totaling 6,935,454. We are 5% over last year's.
ARRL PH SS (FINAL 12.19.2000)
CALL PREC QSO SEC TOTAL K3MM B 1654 80 264,640 W2GG B 1590 80 254,400 W2CS B 1558 80 249,280 W4MR M 1536 80 245,760 W4MYA U 1518 80 242,880 K4MA B 1453 80 232,480 K2PLF B 1398 80 223,680 W4NF U 1300 80 208,000 KS4XG B 1251 79 197,658 K1HTV A 1219 80 195,040 N4RV M 1153 80 184,480 WW4M B 1146 80 183,360 N2QT U 1120 80 179,200 WR3L M 1111 80 177,768 N3KW B 1083 79 171,114 N3HXQ B 951 80 152,160 KV3R B 950 80 152,000 W3PP U 945 80 151,200 W3SY A 909 80 145,440 WR3Z A 880 80 140,800 N4ZR B 788 80 126,080 NY4A B 781 80 124,800 K3DI M 770 80 123,200 K4KDJ M 753 80 120,480 N3OC U 708 80 113,280 K1DQV B 702 80 112,320 K3PZN U 700 80 112,000 N3AM U 656 80 104,960 K4IQ B 560 79 88,480 K7SV A 536 80 85,760 N4MM A 525 80 84,000 K3SA U 524 80 83,840 W3UJ A 519 80 83,040 W4YE A 502 80 80,320 N3JT B 506 78 78,936 W3HVQ B 492 80 78,720 KC8FS A 481 80 76,968 K3GV B 488 78 76,128 K3DNE A 466 80 74,560 NE3H U 456 79 72,048 K3IXD U 448 80 71,680 K3RA A 440 80 70,400 K4QPL A 429 79 67,624 N3UN A 406 80 64,960 WM3T A 416 78 64,896 K2UOP B 396 79 62,568 K3SV U 401 77 61,754 W3YD U 357 80 57,120 K3DSP A 366 78 57,096 W3EKT U 378 74 55,944 N3II U 341 80 54,560 WA4QDM A 332 79 52,456 K4ZW A 305 80 48,800 K8OQL B 318 74 47,064 NT4D B 280 80 44,800 K3IRV A 310 72 44,640 WX4DX B 282 78 43,992 W3LEO B 251 75 37,650 W3OU U 229 78 35,724 4U1WB U 240 72 34,560 N3HUV U 208 79 32,864 W4SD A 203 80 32,480 W3CP A 214 71 30,388 KC9LC A 218 63 27,468 AA4KD A 196 68 26,656 N3WK A 173 65 22,490 K3TM A 161 64 20,608 W4HJ U 154 65 20,020 W8ZA B 165 59 19,470 K3GEG A 141 64 18,048 KO4PY Q 138 59 16,284 W4ZYT B 120 60 14,400 W3DAD U 111 51 11,322 N4EL A 116 47 10,904 N4DEN A 89 60 10,680 N3FX A 93 48 8,928 WX3B A 98 34 6,664 WU4G A 58 41 4,756 K3YDX A 59 40 4,720 NC3Y A 72 26 3,744 K4TMC A 48 32 3,072 K3KO B 3 3 18 WD3P Q 3 3 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 76 LOGS TOTAL 7,275,550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
** SPECIAL OPERATIONS ** WP3R B 2723 80 435,680 by KE3Q
Operator list: 4U1WB AJ3M K3DI W3UL W3OQ K3DI K3PZN WX3B AK3Z N3SB WX3F (plus non-PVRC: N3GQK N3JIA KB3CAW N3XLY W3ARS N3YIM) K4KDJ K4EP N1KH KF4YLM (non: KB3DGF) N4RV N4RV K4VV NY4A from KI7WX QTH W2CS from N4AF QTH W2GG from W3LPL QTH W4MR AA4NC K4HA WR3L K3FT AA3SC N3WJA WR3L WR3Z from N1WR QTH WW4M from K3KO QTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 68 LOGS - CW 6,526,976 83 LOGS - PH 7,275,550 GRAND TOTAL: 13,802,526 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAST YEAR - UNLIMITED CATEGORY logs Total CW & SSB Northern Ca C C 119 11,713,328 Potomac V R C 139 11,611,242 Yankee Clip C C 79 6,421,482
CQWW DX CW (#4 12.22.2000) Deadline for logs to CQ is 1/15!
SINGLE OP HIGH POWER - UNASSISTED K4ZW 3505 143 441 6,001,768 W3UR 2581 147 454 4,494,879 W4MR 2548 134 417 4,093,930 N4ZR 2627 126 374 3,832,000 W4RX 2127 127 369 3,081,648 N3JT 1300 117 347 1,742,320 W4YE 1222 108 355 1,619,111 W3HVQ 948 115 341 1,233,024 N4MM 859 113 328 1,075,599 W4ZV 10 2009 37 138 1,022,350 K2UOP 823 98 297 934,175 N3UM 670 96 298 750,176 K4YT 567 108 299 648,758 K4HA 653 86 254 636,820 W3GN 644 96 256 632,544 W4ZYT 584 96 280 611,376 W3IO 554 83 203 454,168 W2YE 459 70 200 256,130 W4BQF 703 (180) 355,680 W4IF 371 68 180 265,856 W4HJ 303 65 194 225,848 W3AZ 482 33 121 213,290 K3SV 80 563 26 86 169,904 NT4D 260 44 142 141,360 W4NF 182 13 38 26,656 W4SD 106 ## ## 26,058 K1KO 74 ## ## 10,373 KS4XG 36 15 31 4,738
SINGLE OP LOW POWER - UNASSISTED N1WR 1192 108 331 1,514,166 WJ9B 1126 92 283 1,194,750 K2YWE 768 98 307 842,400 KC8FS 786 96 271 822,080 W3UJ 696 75 262 667,597 NY3M 654 91 244 620,085 N4MO 15 977 36 121 445,723 N3UN 402 85 205 325,670 K7CMZ 373 75 203 278,000 K1EFI 411 53 177 267,030 WM3T 351 67 182 240,285 W3CP 10 383 28 102 143,910 W4HM 239 66 153 139,284 K3DSP 256 56 136 135,168 AA4KD 205 51 114 92,895 WX4DX 74 31 45 12,768
SINGLE OP QRP - UNASSISTED K3SWZ 10 416 29 102 155,628
SINGLE OP ASSISTED N3RR 2285 164 591 4,970,165 N3AM 2050 143 501 3,826,648 K4MA 2020 150 496 3,696,412 K2PLF 1724 117 377 2,465,060 K3KO 820 129 385 1,203,274 W3EKT 763 124 407 1,155,987 K3SX 760 122 344 978,134 NE3H 619 95 268 635,976 K3UG 521 (312) 463,320 W3OU 238 72 108 163,920 W3UL 212 49 135 103,960
MULTI - SINGLE K4JA 3966 171 613 9,077,936 N4RV 1958 158 515 3,797,739
MULTI - MULTI W3LPL 9733 197 777 26,768,442 W4MYA 5630 179 672 13,724,928 NY4A 6064 163 554 12,030,543 NR4M 4753 165 582 10,242,864 W8ZA 2324 148 505 4,299,352 K3DI 1284 109 379 1,792,424
DXPEDITIONS ZF2SA 2705 98 256 2,136,390 HS0AC (4019 158 427) 487,358
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 LOGS TOTAL 146,478,810
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 LOGS - CW 146,478,810 71 LOGS - SSB 100,112,533 GRAND TOTAL: 246,591,343
ARRL 160 CONTEST (#3 12.26.2000)
** SINGLE OP HIGH POWER W4MYA 1171 76 25 246,238 N4AF 890 68 26 174,182 K2UOP 773 67 8 117,750 W3GN 642 60 6 85,932 K3SV 674 54 8 85,250 W4YE 565 64 3 72,896 N4CW 532 (61) 65,453 K8OQL 483 55 2 55,404 W3SO 364 53 4 42,180 K4MA 351 51 7 41,934 W4HJ 357 53 4 41,382 N3UM 260 50 3 28,249 W3HVQ 209 50 3 22,631 K1KO 125 ## 1 10,373 W3PP 101 36 2 7,904 KS4XG 53 29 0 3,074
** SINGLE OP LOW POWER WJ9B 546 61 3 70,464 N4MM 297 58 5 38,367 W2GG 315 47 3 31,950 W3CP 306 (50) 31,050 WA4QDM 218 (42) 18,312 N3UN 138 40 1 11,439 W4VC 145 35 0 10,225 K3DSP 139 34 0 9,452 WM3T 106 (36) 7,740 WX4DX 85 30 2 5,728 N3WK 70 (26) 3,640 W4HM 60 (29) 3,567 N3FX 59 21 0 2,478
** SINGLE OP QRP POWER WK3I 547 (63) 69,678
** MULTIOP K4IQ 849 (76) 130,872 W4NF 679 66 3 94,323 W3UR 608 63 12 94,125 K4HA 553 64 5 77,349 K3KO 550 63 6 77,142 K3DI 288 51 2 30,846 K4ZW 261 (52) 27,612 4U1WB 30 (15) 900
38 LOGS TOTAL 1,948,091 ------------------------------ LAST YEAR - 1999 ------------------------------ logs score P V R C 44 2,681,778 FRANKFORD R C 31 1,525,454 ------------------------------ Operators (single op plus packet unless listed otherwise): 4U1WB AJ3M K4HA K4MA K4HA W3SO K4VV at W3YOZ QTH
PVRC ARRL 10 m CONTEST RESULTS (#6 - 12/22/2000)
SINGLE OP HIGH POWER - MIXED W2GG 3386 112 152 2,444,640 W4MYA 2610 (272) 2,132,480 K3ZO #### ### ### 1,950,960 N3OC 1827 (236) 1,333,872 N4ZJ 2010 (236) 1,240,888 K2UOP 1536 (240) 1,110,240 N4MM 720 (235) 521,700 K4VV 480 84 84 261,072 N4ZR 332 (99) 127,710 W4IF 200 (86) 69,144 K3MM 177 (62) 40,796 K2AV 139 46 16 29,016
SINGLE OP LOW POWER - MIXED W3UJ 754 92 115 517,500 WK3I 525 (201) 342,504 W3DQ 561 88 87 275,450 KC8FS 508 (164) 266,008 K3DSP 562 85 88 262,268 WM3T 333 (134) 131,052 WD3A 321 (134) 120,064 K4HA 253 53 66 93,534 KF4OKG 150 (67) 20,502
SINGLE OP QRP POWER - MIXED W3PP 640 93 100 371,332 SINGLE OP HIGH POWER - PHONE N3HBX 1750 55 79 481,060 KV3R 1277 60 78 352,452 K4YT ### ## ## 125,552 N3FX 520 52 64 120,640 K3IRV 368 (103) 75,808 K3GV 358 47 47 67,304
SINGLE OP LOW POWER - PHONE K3DNE 689 52 63 158,470 N3FNE 344 (88) 60,544 K4TMC 240 (87) 41,760 N4DEN 196 45 41 33,712 N3EYB 192 33 36 26,496 K1SO 98 (51) 9,996 W3LEO 100 16 31 9,400
SINGLE OP HIGH POWER - CW W4ZV 2317 60 96 1,445,808 N4AF 1613 59 87 942,576 K3SV 1495 (131) 783,380 W3GN 926 57 64 448,668 WU4G 882 56 70 445,536 N3UM 528 57 65 257,664 W3AZ 364 47 61 157,248 W4HJ 271 (82) 88,888 K1KO 120 35 16 24,480
SINGLE OP LOW POWER - CW N4MO 1121 (135) 605,880 W3CB ### 59 68 396,240 WJ9B 782 56 65 374,616 W4YE 630 50 70 328,120 K3KO 650 56 69 325,000 W4HM 543 (117) 254,592 WA4QDM 526 49 60 229,336 W3CP 458 (112) 205,184 W4VC 162 (53) 40,824 W3DAD 121 16 27 25,652
SINGLE OP QRP POWER - CW KP2/N3IQ 1651 59 66 882,500 WD3P 73 (30) 8,760
MULTI OP K4JA 2483 (293) 2,225,042 K1SE 2389 115 177 2,175,400 K4MA 2363 (292) 2,056,264 N3RR 2338 114 171 1,958,520 WR3L 1659 106 141 1,391,104 WX3B 2014 101 150 1,355,902 N3II 534 96 118 350,104 K1HTV 496 88 93 250,504 K3IXD 722 52 88 202,160 W3UL 382 (160) 184,320 K3DI 326 63 85 151,552 N3KTV 226 30 65 42,940
68 LOGS TOTAL 35,840,690
-------------------------------- LAST YEAR - 1999 -------------------------------- P V R C 31,844,222 YANKEE CLIPPER C C 22,153,688 FRANKFORD R C 18,385,056 -------------------------------- Multiop operators: Single op plus packet unless indicated below. K1SE K4EU K1SE K4ZW K4JA K4JA W4JVN K9GY K4MA K4MA KI7WX WR3L K3FT KA3TUL WR3L AA3SC WX3B WX3B N3SB AK3Z
Guest op: KP2/N3IQ by ND3F W2GG at W3LPL
------------------------------- The REFERENCE PAGE and RFC advertisement were deleted prior to sending this electronic edition to N4ZR in April 2001 ------------------------------- K3DI edtior