The Potomac Valley Radio Club has a long tradition of club competition success in contests, both domestic and DX. PVRC members dominated ARRL Sweepstakes and DX contesting throughout the 1950's. Considering that club membership totaled around 40 members during that era, this record of performance speaks well of members' station design and operator skills. Today, PVRC members maintain this emphasis on operator skills, with a continuing record of many contest victories and high scores. Keeping our tradition of once a PVRC member, always a member, the club literally has members world-wide. Past and present members have operated from every continent, and there are active members from every US call area. Each June, there is an on-the-air reunion that brings out the contest spirit, and an opportunity to renew old friendships, and work some choice DX.
Each year, the club has an annual joint meeting with the Frankford Radio Club, a contest club in the Philadelphia area. Alternating locations yearly, these gettogethers are a unique way to meet some of the competition and share stories and ideas. Each year, the club has an annual Fowlfest summer picnic, which is a chance for families to get together. Regular meetings run from September to May. Meeting locations in the metropolitan area alternate monthly between Maryland and northern Virginia.
This briefly outlines the history and activities of the PVRC. If you have never tried a contest, give one a go. It is a unique and special way to accomplish several things at once:
Increase your code speed
Improve your operating skills
Work some new DX
Determine how well your station plays
Have some fun!
PVRC meets monthly. Join us for some genuine ham radio enthusiasm ... and continue the tradition. Vy 73!