PLEASE JOIN US on the air for the 60th Anniversary 2024 PVRC Reunion!


   Announcing the PVRC Reunion On The Air 60th Anniversary over three days from May 31 – June 3, 2024 and some other changes from previous years to how it works now!

    The first PVRC Reunion On The Air was held in 1964 with 71 participants! See the scoring results at
That was a one-day event. Changes have been made over the years to encourage increased participation, such as having the Reunion span various hours in several successive days.

    Without any change to the existing Reunion rules there is a conflict between it and a PVRC 5M contest, so with some prompting and encouragement from past president Tom K3AJ, your PVRC Officers have now resolved that conflict and modified the details of the scoring rules to (we hope) get more participation and enjoyment in our PVRC Reunion On The Air.

    The changes are described in detail below, but in summary the new Reunion:
-- spans 3 days, 3 hours each day (no conflict with 5M contests or scheduled PVRC Chapter meetings)
-- those 9 hours include early afternoon, evening and night hours (East Coast) to accommodate personal schedules and propagation coverage changes
-- for each of the 3 days there will be designated hours for CW, SSB and RTTY modes – only QSOs on the designated mode may be made within the hour designated for it.
-- adds a 'contest' to the PVRC Olympics
-- increases scores for those who have valid Reunion QSOs with the special PVRC Club callsign stations, W4KFC, W3GRF, W3AU, and W7YS (see the various PVRC History links on our website, e.g.



Dates, Times and Modes


There will be three sessions (days) of three hours each spread over three days. Within each session (day) there will be designated periods for different modes:


Friday, May 31: 2000Z – 2300Z (4 PM – 7 PM EDT)

·         First hour – CW only

·         Second hour – SSB only

·         Third hour – CW only


Sunday, June 2: 1700Z -2000Z (1 PM – 4 PM EDT)

·         First hour – CW only

·         Second hour – RTTY only

·         Third hour – SSB only


Monday, June 3: 2300Z – 0200Z (June 4 Z) (7 PM – 10 PM June 3 EDT)

·         First hour – CW only

·         Second hour – SSB only

·         Third hour – CW only



Modes, Bands and Center-of-Activity Frequencies

Activity is only on the bands below; it is suggested to operate "on the 47's" to celebrate the founding of PVRC in 1947.  

Suggested CW frequencies: 1817, 3547, 7047, 14047, 21047 and 28047 kHz.

Suggested SSB frequencies: 1847, 3847, 7247, 14247, 21247, 28347

Suggest RTTY frequencies: 1827, 3587, 7087, 14087, 21087,28087


Moves between bands are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED.




Any participant: 1 point for each QSO with PVRC members.

PVRC members: 1 point for each QSO with PVRC members and 1 point per QSO with non-members if as a result of the member’s “CQ PVRC”. This way PVRC members are encouraged to work non-members who call the PVRC member. You may work each station once on any band/mode combination in each of the three sessions. Moves between bands, especially at slow times, are highly suggested! So, for example you may work the same station 42 times for QSO points during the Reunion: twelve times (6 bands x 2 modes) on each of the first and last days and eighteen times on the middle day (since it allows all 3 modes).


5 points for each QSO with special PVRC Club callsigns – W3GRF, W4KFC, W3AU, and W7YS.




Spotting of PVRC members is highly encouraged. In fact, self-spotting in this event is encouraged as well! It's amazing the level of non-member activity you can stir up, especially on phone, with a few self-spots. The on-the-air activity with nonmembers is an excellent opportunity to explain a little about PVRC as a contesting club to non-members, and point them to the PVRC website ( to get more information about contesting or our club.


When spotting PVRC'ers for this reunion, please give a comment including “PVRC Reunion”.


Participation Eligibility


Both PVRC Members and Non-Members are welcome to participate.

Non-members can work PVRC members for points and earn award certificates in their own non-member category.




Call "CQ PVRC" on CW and RTTY, and "CQ PVRC Reunion" on SSB.       




The exchange remains unchanged from previous years.


A PVRC member's exchange is the year you joined PVRC, your name, your state/country, and your callsign when you joined PVRC.


Example QSO between two PVRC members:




K4ZW:    K4ZW


WX3B:    K4ZW 1998 JIM MD WA2GPQ


K4ZW:    WX3B   86 KEN VA KE9A


WX3B:    TU WX3B


 Note: A non-member only gives his name and state/country for the exchange


Logger Support


You can use any general-purpose logger for this contest. You will have to count up member and non-member QSO's when filling out the score summary form.

A UDC file is available to teach N1MM+ how to handle the PVRC Reunion. It is an aid to help you track scoring for you automatically in real time. Please right-click and download PVRC2024.UDC and save it in your Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests directory. Then quit and restart N1MM+ and you will find PVRC2024 available as a contest log type you can create. Thanks to Tim N3QE for creating this UDC!


A YouTube video is available to help you download, install, and use the PVRC2024 UDC module. Access it here:


Results Submission


The preferred means of submitting your results is to submit your score for each session to the web site. If you prefer, you can submit a Cabrillo log or a log summary in lieu of a 3830 entry as described below.  The 3830 submission is preferred.

Send your Cabrillo log, or a log summary (see below), by E-mail to N3QE:


[email protected]


If you choose to submit a log summary, it should contain the following information:


For each session: member and non- member QSO count for each mode.

For each session: Special PVRC Club callsigns QSO for each mode


Final scores will be determined by the PVRC Officers and posted to the PVRC Reflector.


Please do post your soapbox comments to the PVRC Reflector mailing list; posting after each session is encouraged! Also feel free to post your log summary.        


PVRC Olympics Credit


For the current PVRC Contest Season, 2023-2024 ending June 30, the PVRC Reunion counts as an extra contest towards meeting your PVRC Olympic medal goals with the easier thresholds as described below.


So, if you are one contest short of qualifying for a PVRC Olympic medal then you can get the one contest credit you need in the PVRC Reunion by:


·         One or more QSOs in any mode for Bronze medal qualification

·         Two QSOs or more with at least one QSO in each of two modes for Silver medal qualification

·         Three QSOs or more with at least one QSO in each of the three modes for Gold medal qualification


You do not need to participate in the PVRC Reunion to qualify for an Olympic medal under the current rules from our website and named “PVRC Olympics 2022 Rules (This Year!)”




"Once a member, always a member of PVRC" so this 60th Anniversary PVRC Reunion On The Air this is an excellent opportunity to meet and greet on the air those members you may not know and others who are now living out of circle.


 And if you are out of circle, this Reunion is a great opportunity for you to connect with those of us who may not have heard from you in a while!


Following this year’s reunion, we encourage your feedback and ideas to make the

PVRC Reunion an even better event.

Have Fun!


Doug Hart, AA3S

PVRC President